
Klara and The Sun


Kazuo Ishiguro

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πŸ”₯ The Book in 3 Sentences

I don't want to spoil anyone about the whole story because this is one of those books with a sinister atmosphere but also a calming, captivating story behind.

A few quotes about the book I want to remember:

1. 'Sometimes', she said, 'at special moments like that, people feel a pain alongside their happiness. I'm glad you watch everything so carefully, Klara'.
2. Yes. Until recently, I didn't think that humans could choose loneliness. That there were sometimes forces more powerful than the wish to avoid loneliness.
3. Before you go, Manager. I must report to you one more thing. The Sun was very kind to me. He was always kind to me from the start. But when I was with Josie, once, he was particularly kind. I wanted Manager to know.

🧘🏽 The Top 3 Quotes

I discovered this book as a suggestion from the Youtuber, Jack Edwards (@jackbenedwards). I liked the idea that it is a twisted plot and related to Artificial Intelligence at the same time. Maybe one of its genre?

Summary Notes

Klara and the Sun is a novel written by the Nobel prize author Kazuo Ishiguro. I liked his writing style and probably this won't be the last book I'll be reading from Ishiguro.

On of the things the captivated my eyes was about this idea about AI believing into something, having faith and wishing for the best of their companion, but also willing to know the soul of this companion. For me, this is a well-written book that provoked me a bunch of feelings while reading it. I still think about the relationship between Klara and the Sun, and Klara as its whole.


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πŸ’¬ Thoughts

I don't want to spoil anyone about the whole story because this is one of those books with a sinister atmosphere but also a calming, captivating story behind.

A few quotes about the book I want to remember:

1. 'Sometimes', she said, 'at special moments like that, people feel a pain alongside their happiness. I'm glad you watch everything so carefully, Klara'.
2. Yes. Until recently, I didn't think that humans could choose loneliness. That there were sometimes forces more powerful than the wish to avoid loneliness.
3. Before you go, Manager. I must report to you one more thing. The Sun was very kind to me. He was always kind to me from the start. But when I was with Josie, once, he was particularly kind. I wanted Manager to know.

πŸ•΅πŸ½ How I discover it

I discovered this book as a suggestion from the Youtuber, Jack Edwards (@jackbenedwards). I liked the idea that it is a twisted plot and related to Artificial Intelligence at the same time. Maybe one of its genre?

Summary Notes

Klara and the Sun is a novel written by the Nobel prize author Kazuo Ishiguro. I liked his writing style and probably this won't be the last book I'll be reading from Ishiguro.

On of the things the captivated my eyes was about this idea about AI believing into something, having faith and wishing for the best of their companion, but also willing to know the soul of this companion. For me, this is a well-written book that provoked me a bunch of feelings while reading it. I still think about the relationship between Klara and the Sun, and Klara as its whole.


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